Course recognised by the International Institute for Complementary Therapist

Level 1 Integrated Reflexology course is supported with a highly detailed reference manual and workbook.

Chapter 1: The technique of touch

In level 1 you will learn the technique of touch unique to Integrated Reflexology.

A-Theory of the walking technique
B-Theory of the embracing technique

The student will learn to apply the technique of touch to the:
Feet, hands, back, ears, collarbone, skull

Throughout the course Integrated Reflexology technique of touch is continuously revised.

Chapter 2: Integrated Reflexology structure

You will learn the basic structure of Integrated Reflexology.

You will understand what are:
A-Reflex points (energy receptors)
B-Reflex areas (Reflection of the whole e.g. the feet)
C-Energy circuits (Energy lines/ meridians)

Chapter 3: The Bodymind

You will learn the different human levels associated with the upper-lower aspect of the body, the left-right aspect of the body and front-back aspect of the body.
You will also learn the bodymind associated with the different reflex areas and their therapeutic effects.

Bodymind of the reflex areas:
You will learn the bodymind of the feet, legs, hands, arms, back, front, collarbone, scapula, iliac bone, face, ears, and skull.

Chapter 4: Geographical representations of the reflex areas

You will break down the reflex areas into logical maps.
This will facilitate your learning of the reflex points.

Geographical representations of the reflex areas:
You will learn the geographical representations of the feet, legs, hands, arms, back, collarbone, face, ears, skull.

Chapter 5: Mapping the reflex areas

You will learn through advanced exercises where the reflex points are, and most importantly how to stimulate them so they can release their full potential.

Mapping the reflex areas:
You will learn the reflex points of the feet, hands, back, collarbone,
scapulae, iliac bones, and ears.

Chapter 6: The standard routine treatment

After learning chapter 1-5 you will be able to give Integrated Reflexology standard treatment that is suitable for everyone.